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Sports Reiki 1-2-1

Sports Reiki 1-2-1

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An intensive Holistic Reiki treatment aimed at sportsmen and women, many PRO PLAYERS in Northern Ireland in all sports use Reiki as an effective treatment A course of treatment helped the individual players or professionals make a triumphant return to top-level sport if they have been injured. Today, athletes must deal with all kinds of injuries and stress. Reiki therapy can help with both. First, Reiki helps to mentally prepare you to manage the stress and any pre-performance nerves associated with a high-pressure event or competition. It can also be used to deal with issues of self-doubt which may affect performance. Reiki has a calming and reassuring effect on the mind, lowering stress levels and enabling the recipient to re-gain focus and confidence. Additionally, Reiki can help soothe injuries and promote healing, providing instant relaxation and lessened pain. Alternative therapies are becoming increasingly popular with athletes, both amateur and professional. 

Through alternative therapies such as Reiki and naturopathy, along with strength and flexibility training using yoga and Pilates, individual athletes and teams are now finding natural, safe, and legal ways to give them an edge in their chosen sport. Reiki is an ancient therapy developed in the East. The method of receiving a Reiki treatment is straightforward. The recipient remains fully clothed, either lying on a treatment table or in a sitting/standing position. At the same time, the practitioner lightly places his/her hands on a sequence of pressure points around the body. This is a safe and gentle procedure that works well alongside other training methods and treatments.

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