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1-2-1 Level 1 Reiki Attunement

1-2-1 Level 1 Reiki Attunement

6-8 hours

Reiki Level 1 Attunement 1-2-1

What Will You Learn from a Level 1 one-to-one attunement?

*What Reiki is and how to explain it simply to others

*How Reiki works with our entire system on all levels

*Explore the history of Reiki & Usui's deeper teachings

*Reiki Attunement to re-awaken your innate self-healing ability

*Discuss the Reiki Precepts, the foundation of the System of Reiki

*Explore the energetic system: 7 main chakras, endocrine system, aura, physical organs, meridian system etc (what they relate to, corresponding emotions & how we can use them to get to know ourselves more)

*Be shown and conduct mental and emotional clearances

*Practice scanning and sensing the chakras/energy

*Practice 2 self-treatments using a variety of hand positions so you can see the flexibility of your practice

*Learn hand positions for treating family & friends )

*Explore techniques to maintain your centre & balance in everyday life (grounding etc)

*Bringing Reiki into all areas of your life

*Give and receive a full reiki treatment.


-Your Comprehensive Reiki Level 1 Manual

-Your Reiki Level 1 Certificate.

If you are a sensitive person (empathetic) reiki can support you in managing your own energy levels rather than feeling drained, ‘like a sponge’ or overwhelmed by all that is going on within them and in their outer world. It’s like a salve for your sensitive nervous system!

Your daily self-practice helps to feel calmer, more aligned, balanced, and connected and practice self-love. Reiki meets you exactly where you are at, and opens the doorway to the support you most need at that time.

You’ll have this healing practice for the rest of your life and Reiki can become a significant source of inner support in your daily life. The magic is the more you use it, the stronger it is – just like any muscle you exercise!

Supports you to be more present and therefore let go of worries and invites calmness and peace.

Can help you to develop more compassion for yourself and others as you open your heart to the world around you

Guides you to recognise fear for what it is, and listen to its wisdom and your inner guidance so you can move through it with strength.

Everyone is intuitive; reiki helps you to awaken and strengthen your own intuition so you can make decisions and choices that are more aligned with your truth, your life and your purpose.

Helps you to sleep better and feel more at peace.

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