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Distance Healing 45 Minutes

Distance Healing 45 Minutes

45 minutes

Distance Reiki Healing works just like normal reiki. The treatment or distance healing works by me sending healing to you or someone you know ( with their permission ) Treatments normally last for 30 Minutes DISTANCE HEALING Distance Reiki Healing works just like normal reiki. The treatment or distance healing works by me sending healing to you or someone you know ( with their permission ) Treatments normally last for 30 minutes What is Distance Reiki Healing? Distance Reiki is a technique within the system of Reiki that enables me to give a Reiki session beyond the limitations of time and space. It expands the practitioner’s ability to transmit spiritual energy beyond physical touch. In other words, it’s a way to offer Reiki without the recipient being in the same room with me. Why do I prefer calling it Distance or Absentee Healing? From a traditional Japanese Reiki perspective, the Reiki Absentee Healing Technique focuses on offering Reiki from a state of Oneness, or connection to everything. In this way, you aren’t “sending” Reiki, instead you’re feeling one with another person and sharing Reiki this way

Distance Reiki: The Beginner's Guide to Distance Healing The Distance Reiki Technique is usually 30 minutes long, but can continue longer if you like. I would normally schedule a time and date with the recipient (or client) for the Distance or Reiki session. By setting up a specific time the recipient can be in a receptive state (such as lying down or meditating during the treatment). In advance of the session, the recipient will also email a photo of themselves to the me, along with their name, age, location and any intention they have of what they want the session to support (e.g. a physical or health issue, goal, or challenge).

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