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Quality Holistic Therapy

Quality Holistic Therapy

Some people think that ‘holistic’ means ‘natural’. But it’s not entirely true. The term originates from the Greek word ‘holos’ which means ‘whole’. A person leading a holistic lifestyle regards his or her life and health, mind and body as a whole’ rather than as something consisting of separate parts. So, true wellness, for example, means taking care of both the body and spiritual health. 
Like ancient people used both their knowledge of medicinal herbs and spiritual practices, modern people following this principle look for ways to lead a well-balanced life with due attention to different sides of every issue. 
Such people prefer natural food and remedies or beauty products that won’t hurt their skin or hair. Their lifestyle includes meditation and yoga, spiritual practices and alternative medicine, and more. So, natural is holistic, but holistic is much more than natural.